
Russia has distuish itself as a violent military

A political document releas these days by President Xi Jinp on the development strategy between now and the centenary of the creation of the People’s Republic in 2049 stipulates that

Vladimir Putin’s great Russia

In this sense, on March 11, Metaannounc that. Facebook and Instagram users in Ukraine would be temporarily allow to call for violence against the. Russian Arm Forces in the context

Also because Russia, with its million soldiers

International relations will never be the same again. Russian military operations are not comparable to those in 2014, when Russia annex Crimea and creat a permanent state of war in

European insecurity Whether Putin

But there is another level of analysis, that of. Russian-Ukrainian relations, and here the second “original sin” was committ by Russia in 2014 in the context of the. Euromaidan revolution

Sabine Dullin, professor of contemporary

The collapse of the Soviet Union was also very painful for Ukraine; One indicator sums up their immense suffer the Ukrainian population went from 52 million at the time of

Had to suffer enormously throughout its

Europe, some of Russia’s neighbors such as Poland and the Baltics, which fear a Russian comeback, have traditionally taken a hard line on Moscow. But the main states of the