They are not only completely own worlds or completely virtual experiences, but also increasingly innovative combinations. For example, Deliveroo has develop its own game in the popular Nintendo game ‘Animal Crossing’, with which you can deliver virtual meals as a virtual delivery person. Within the first hours of launch, there were already more than three million interactions with players. Nike offers the buyers of its HO20 collection an AR experience, with which you can end up in an interactive environment with all kinds of wild beasts.
In addition, the brand recently sold
Virtual shoes within one of the largest games in the world; Fortnite. And this before the physical variants were even in the store. Unilever is already working on its brands in all sorts of ways in the metaverse. From the first metaverse marathon, sponsor by Rexona deodorant, to the Magnum metaverse museum. The billboards remain Advertisements remain an important marketing tool. We are now us to social mia. This will continue to develop within the metaverse. You can already see the rapidly increasing size within games. For example, when you Turkey Phone Number List walk through GTA, you are welcom everywhere with advertisements from McDonald’s and Pepsi. In-game advertising is now worth $32 billion annually.
However, in-game advertisements are
Often not yet target, such as on social mia. As with the first metaverse ads, you mainly see flat virtual billboards appear. You can get start with this yourself by using NFT Plazas, for example . This is an automatic billboard ads booking system, for one of the most us metaverses: Decentraland. You can easily book a billboard ad here yourself, bas on the number of views. One step B2C Lead further is interactive advertising. Advertisements that respond by adapting themselves to, for example, consumer behavior. Hyperad is a platform with which you can set this up.