
Another Trait of a Good Email

game is whatever game Another Trait of a Good Email you come up with, its design should be the brightest and most memorable among competitors. Recipients should have their eyes light up the first time they open an email in anticipation of a good game. So take care of bright colors, catchy fonts, and the overall visual design of your email games.

Gamified Email With Engaging Design:

If your game is boring, recipients will simply drop it halfway. Yes, there will be those who Laos WhatsApp Number Data will go to the end in anticipation of a reward, but such a scenario will greatly affect your metrics. When creating games for your email newsletters, ensure they are interesting and fun. Recipients should not be counting the minutes until the game is over, and should not regret the time spent playing it.

Great reward:

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We all love to be rewarded for our efforts, so it is vital to give rewards to your recipients. Every newsletter game you create should give them something for completing it. In addition, your audience should understand that something awaits them at the end but should not guess what exactly. The intrigue will increase the desire to complete the game and make the gameplay more fun. These traits have been bred through trial and error from Stripo’s own newsletter experience, so you can be sure that by putting them into practice, you won’t go wrong with the gamification of your emails.

Gamification implementation difficulty:

Building an email game from scratch is a tough process requiring technical   B2C Lead  knowledge. However, there is always a way out of difficult situations. For example, we at Stripo provide users with the functionality of modules. Essentially, these are ready-made blocks created by our developers and designers that you can use in your emails. And we adapted these modules for email gamification.

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