
Typically, the corona is negatively charged

Generating a flow of negative ions from the application tool to the substrate. The dust particles pick up a negative charge from the corona. In addition to the air in the form of molecules. All of this flows to the grounded substrate and is held in place. Typically the thanks to electrostatic attraction . The thickness of the paint layer is through the combination of electric field intensity. Gravity, air pressure and paint powder concentration. Tribostatic application In this. After method of applying electrostatic paint, the dust particles are by friction. It is achieved when the particles pass through a tube. Usually made of Teflon.

During this process dust particles

Usually lose electrons and gain a positive charge. These move with the flow of air towards the grounded object. An electrical attraction is between the dust and. Object thanks to the electric field formed by the positively charged dust cloud. Friction Greece WhatsApp Number Data loading is measured by the volume of dust deposited on the loading. However surface and the with which it moves across said surface. These are parameters that can be controlled through the gun. Thus guaranteeing the thickness and finish . Varieties of Electrostatic Painting materials electrostatic-paint-materials Source Simevisa.

Which guarantee coating with unique

Characteristics that make them suitable for particular uses. The types of electrostatic paint that you can find on the market and that. We can use in construction are epoxy.Epoxy-polyester and polyester. Here we have a brief Iran Phone Number description of each of them Polyester-Tgic Paints It is the ideal type of powder paint to apply in outdoor spaces . And it is highly resistant to the sun’s rays and constant climatic variations. Lasting shine and stability in both color and finishes. Impacts and bends.

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