
Their formulation includes polyester resin hardened

With Triglycidyl isocyanurate. Tgic or Triglycidyl isocyanurate , is a polymerization agent that is included in powder paints. It basically works as a hardener. Epoxy Paints The main characteristic of this type of paint is its high resistance to impacts , it also has great adhesion, is resistant to oxidation and stands out for its high performance when applying it. In their conformation they integrate epoxy resins that certainly contribute to the functionality, however, in terms of shine and finishes they have low durability. This type of powder paint is widely used as functional finishes, guaranteeing chemical and anticorrosive resistance.

Epoxy/polyester or hybrid paints

There is a mix of properties in this type of powder paint, which is why it is known as hybrid. Mix the best of epoxies and the best of polyester. Overall, it offers excellent impact resistance , durability and can withstand climatic variations. Its formulation includes hardened polyester resins and epoxy resins . These types of powder paints are most common for HongKong WhatsApp Number Data covering interior surfaces and for decoration. Electrostatic Paint, a sustainable coating in Industrialized Construction One of the advantages of electrostatic paint for industrialized construction is that it is not as harmful to the environment as traditional paints are. And the dust particles enter directly on the surface and adhere to it.

This type of paint has enormous advantages

The environment with a positive environmental impact , in fact, it reduces atmospheric pollution and VOC emissions and is % recyclable . It is the most environmentally friendly paint, since it is less polluting compared to traditional paints. For Japan Phone Number example, lacquer emits polluting gases that easily spread into the air, which does not happen with electrostatic paints.For a house of square meters, a family could save from. Their formulation to  per year. In addition, Toshiba points out that by adding the possibility of heating hot water, the savings could be much greater.Their study states that the savings of aerothermal heating compared to natural.

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