
Marketers Need to Know in 2023

A LinkedIn carousel is a content format that viewers swipe through to see multiple images or videos within a single post, like a flipbook. Many social platforms, like Instagram and Facebook, have carousel post formats. LinkedIn carousel post LinkedIn carousel posts used to look like this: Example of a carousel post on LinkedIn Source: Hootsuite on LinkedIn Since June 2023, you can’t showcase multiple images or videos as a carousel like that anymore, but you can make a document-based carousel post like this.

The only limitation with document carousels vs. traditional carousel posts is you can’t use video files.

LinkedIn carousel ads are still a valid format. So while you’ll need to create organic carousels with PDFs, go ahead and prep those image-based carousel ads!

LinkedIn carousel ad

LinkedIn carousel ads are still a valid format. So while you’ll need to create organic carousels with PDFs, go ahead and prep those image-based carousel ads! Example of a carousel post on LinkedIn Source: The Home Depot on LinkedIn LinkedIn carousel specs Since actual carousel posts aren’t around b2b leads anymore, here’s what you’ll need to create document carousel posts on LinkedIn: A document file (PDF, PowerPoint, or DOC/DOCX) Maximum 300 pages File size of less than 100MB Additionally, while either page orientation works, we recommend using an A4 or US letter size landscape orientation for your document for better visibility. For carousel ads, the current specs are: JPG, PNG or GIF (static only) format aspect ratio Minimum size of 1080 x 1080 pixels Under 10 mb per image Minimum maximum 10 images

Do carousel posts do better

We know carousel posts outperform nearly every post type on other platforms, even getting 3 times more engagement than Reels on Instagram. What about on LinkedIn? Let’s find out. To prove the hypothesis that LinkedIn carousels also lead the pack in engagement, I did what any good scientist would: I tested it myself. Since actual LinkedIn carousel posts don’t exist anymore, I tried this with the PDF document method. (Exact steps to create these are in the next section.) A few things to know about this B2C Lead mini-experiment: I created a PDF, an image post, and a text post and scheduled them to my LinkedIn profile. I used the same copy for the text content part of the post for all three.

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