
I have decided to be happy I start today

Yesterday I saw the report dedicated to Fernando Vega from Seoane titled “8 seconds” (you can see it on Movistar Plus+), and it really inspired me. The accident of Fernando Vega de Seoane Fernando had a skiing accident in January 2022 and has become paraplegic. Instead of sinking, starting to regret… what we would all have done in his case, he has decided to be positive and take control of his life. 8 seconds that changed everything that came after In the report he tells how in the first seconds he went from knowing that he had become paraplegic and being in the deepest hole, to being aware that he was alive and that life gave him a second chance.

The best wheelchair golfer in the world

He wants to be the best golfer in the world in his category and seeing his drive, I bet he will achieve it. As one of the interviewees (president of EDGAR, Federation for disabled golfers) said: “For many in his situation, success is hitting the ball, for Fernando it is being world champion.” If Fernando can do it, why can’t I do it? Of course, few people have the industry email list ability that Fernando has had to overcome adversity. But, if we compare their situation with the problems that most of us have ( work , family, children, etc.), can we really not handle it? Can we really decide to be happy and start our path from there?

seconds that changed everything that came after

This was the turning point where everything changed. I see it as 2 paths, you could let yourself be carried away by the situation or make the decision to start from scratch at that moment. I imagine that because of his personality and out of an B2C Lead instinct to protect his family, he decided the latter. He has accepted what has come to him and moved on to the next point in his life. She has taken it as something that she had to come and decided that not only is it not going to sink her, but it is the support point for a new and exciting life. He’s sure she’ll have her down moments, but the guy goes like a motorcycle.

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