
Home office and cloud accounting against coronavirus

Have you started working at home office using cloud accounting ? In the scenario of all united to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This path is already working well for many accounting offices. But not all have the resources and technologies needed to stay productive . In accounting offices, anyone who does not have a reliable and 100% online. Digital system to manage remote work may have problems facing this moment of crisis. So let’s help you prepare for the mandatory home office using cloud accounting . Read to the end and do your part to fight the coronavirus without harming your business. Why work from home and use cloud accounting in this crisis? Home office and cloud accounting together form the structure you need to work. Safely and do your part in combating the spread of the coronavirus.

Pandemic map created by Microsoft and available online

With the virus spreading rapidly, it’s clear that a collective effort is needed to contain. The disease and protect people at risk—the elderly. Individuals with compromised immunity, and those with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Therefore, one of the main WHO recommendations, in addition to washing your hands well and protecting your face when sneezing, is to avoid crowds and reduce social contact as much as possible to  India Mobile Number Data  stop the transmission of the coronavirus. Soon, the solution found by companies was to adopt the home office , or remote work, in addition to advancing vacations and even instituting collective vacations, in the case of industries. So far, more than 130 technology companies have already included remote work in their contingency plan, including Adobe, Google, Facebook, Mercado Livre, Oi and Visa, according to data released by Computerworld.

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This Work Model to Work in Accounting Offices

With professionals working from home it is easier to prevent. Contamination and avoid the dreaded overload in the health system, in addition to protecting the most vulnerable. But for it is essential to have the right tools – such as accounting systems in the cloud. The difficulty in adopting the home office Faced with the need for a home office during the  B2C Lead  coronavirus crisis, companies were faced with two obstacles : lack of resources and adequate work processes. Although organizations were already inclined to adopt remote work — the home office broke a record in Brazil in 2018, with 3.8 million people working in the regime, according to IBGE data published in G1 —, they were not prepared for a pandemic like that. According to consultant Caetano, from Instituto demand for home offices grew by 50% with the coronavirus crisis, but there is a lack of equipment and data sharing protocols.

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