
AI tools cannot yet completely

March 23, 2024 0 Comments

Enterprise data security issues With the rise of AI. do we still ne data engineers and data analysts? Although AI tools have inde improv efficiency in short-term data analysis. the limit of their application performance depends on the integrity. integration and integrity of the enterprise’s data. replace the work of data engineers and data analysts because In the context of truly assisting customers in data analysis. the company’s data analysis is not just a matter that can be solv with a data sheet or hundrs of pieces of data.

Companies must continuously optimize

And adjust their marketing strategies through data insights to adapt to rapidly changing trends. Market and consumers. Therefore. we still very much ne the data team to assist the company in integrating data from  Singapore Phone Number List multiple sources and making more complete applications of the integrat data. We ask the data team to design a data center that is easier to use for marketing. such as: data dashboards. member tag libraries and automat communication.

 Line lists etc Only by establishing a complete

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Data infrastructure can AI tools exert their greatest auxiliary application value. We will explain in detail how data integration analysis is appli in actual cases in the next article. The customer data platform  France Phone Number List Thinker provides a data dashboard to see marketing results at a glance. Figure 5|Customer data platform Thinker provides a data dashboard to see marketing results at a glance.

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