those that don’t have a decorative line at the end of every symbol. The most popular sans-serif safe fonts are Arial, Trebuchet MS, and Helvetica. During the investigation, I have found several sources which claimed that serif fonts are most suitable for emails, but I totally disagree. Based on the assumption that emails are being observed only online using desktop or mobile screens, the best are sans serif fonts. It’s easier to read sans-serif characters on the screen.
Email safe fonts:
Here is the list of the top 10 fonts that you may use with a 100% guarantee that they will render in users’ inboxes just like you planned: Arial email Saudi Phone Arabia Number Data font This font, designed back in 1982, is packaged with all versions of Microsoft, starting from Windows 3 and Apple Mac OS X. Displayed by all email clients. Due to terminal diagonal cuts, it looks less mechanical compared to other sans serifs.
Avoid using more than two font styles in emails:
Do not mix regular, bold, and italic font styles in emails. If you use more than two, emails look somewhat messy. Normally, one font style is right enough. If you want to highlight things, you may apply the bold typography style. But if you need to implement the third font, make it situational. But never underline your text and never apply italic typeface out of email accessibility reasons.
Times New Roman Font for Emails:
Verdana email font It was designe to be readable on low-resolution screens. Its main feature is tall and wide low-case characters. Verdana Font for Emails. Courier/Courier New email font Courier was designe in 1955 and B2C Lead adjuste to be a monospace font. Courier New has heavier dots and commas than the original Courier. Courier is the standard modern font used for screenwriting in the film industry.
Times New Roman Font for Emails:
Verdana email font It was designe to be readable on low-resolution screens. Its main feature is tall and wide low-case characters. Verdana Font for Emails. Courier/Courier New email font Courier was designe in 1955 and adjuste to be a monospaced font. Courier New has heavier dots and commas than the original Courier. Courier is the standard modern font use for screenwriting in the film industry.