
Sick Building Syndrome Examples and Solutions

Sick buildings cause health problems for the people who live or work in them. Producing symptoms such as headaches, throat, nose and eye irritations, fatigue and allergies. In addition to being the cause of semicircular lipoatrophy. Apeculiar disease that is characterized by the loss of fatty tissue in the thighs and buttocks. In Spain it has been determined that  of offices suffer from Sick Building Syndrome and that it has generated these symptoms, which are not serious, but very annoying. Furthermore, the correct construction of a building generates all the benefits that sustainable construction can give us .

What is Sick Building Syndrome?

In , the WHO defined Sick Building Syndrome as a set of discomforts and diseases caused by poor ventilation , temperature decompensation, ionic and electromagnetic charges. It also considers suspended particles, gases and vapors of chemical origin and Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data bioaerosols, among other causative agents. These produce a set of symptoms in at least  of the inhabitants without their causes being well defined. Symptoms The most common symptoms presented by people living in sick buildings are almost all related to the respiratory tract, although they are very varied. Among the most frequent we find nasal symptoms such as nose irritation, runny nose, nasal dryness, congestion or cough.

They also cause eye discomfort such as irritation

Stinging or redness. Likewise, they cause sore throats, skin disorders such as skin irritation or stinging Other manifestations such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, mental fatigue, drowsiness or allergies. Sick-building-headache Semicircular lipoatrophy is a disease caused by Sick Building Syndrome . This is characterized by the loss of fatty tissue Bulgaria Phone Number under the skin in the shape of semicircles. It appears mainly on the thighs and buttocks. It manifests itself through deep marks on the skin such as dimples or spots. As well as other symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness in the legs or fatigue.

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