
Spain is one of the countries with the greatest discontent regarding salary compensation

In Spain, 55% of employees are not happy with their salary and 65%. Indicate that their remuneration does not compensate for the work they do, according to the. HAYS Labor Market Guide. These data position our country as one of the. European countries with the greatest discontent in this regard, despite the fact that the Guide reveals that 82% of companies in. Spain plan to increase the salaries of their workers throughout compare to 17%. % that you plan to maintain them. The rise in the CPI during the last year, mainly due to the prices of fuel and electricity.  As well as the increase in prices in general while salaries remained static. Have led to a low salary satisfaction index. says Silvia . Piqueras, director of Permanent Recruitment Services at HAYS Spain .

The bottom line is that salary negotiation

Although salary conditions continue to be a fundamental factor. When evaluating a job change, according to the HAYS  Guide, there are other benefits that are also highly valued by professionals. The main one is having flexibility at work, both in terms of hours and location.  Among other conciliation measures and having additional vacation days. Finally, those actions aimed at supporting the physical and/or mental health of employees, such as making available health insurance or private medical coverage, have become key factors for employee motivation. The director of Permanent Recruitment Services at HAYS Spain compares the Spanish  B2B Email List situation with other countries such as France, where disagreement with the salary reaches 52% of workers. “At the opposite extreme we can find Holland, where 63% of employees are satisfied with their salaries. It is one of the countries that best balances professional and work life.

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Keys to negotiating a salary increase

HAYS experts warn that asking for a raise may seem more difficult than it really is.  There are a series of aspects that must never  neglect  if you are looking to carry out a successful negotiation. Silvia Piqueras emphasizes that “the first thing we recommend is to  have a clear perspective . What the average salaries offered the market for the job are. To achieve this, it is key to carry out exhaustive research on the value of the position we occupy and, only once we are clear about this aspect, do we prepare our strategy. And one of the most common mistakes when discussing B2C Lead salary is not supporting the request with arguments based on figures and data that justify that increase.” At the same time, choosing the right moment is another aspect of vital importance on our path to obtaining yes. It should always be a face-to-face dialogue with a superior, previously convened and without surprises to have his full attention for the necessary time. It is then. When we can explain the reasons for our request for a salary increase.

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