
Huge group of followers on Instagram

Through his portfolio you can now find 8 different virtual influencers. What is striking is the diversity between the models. 4. Milla Sofia – millasofiafin You may have seen this account in recent weeks. Milla Sofia has been getting a lot of attention lately. Her content revolves around sexy pictures in different locations. Or as it says on her website: ‘Join my journey to revolutionize the fashion world.’ Compar to the other AI influencers in this list, her Instagram account with 59,000 followers is not that big yet, but her first photo was also only post in November 2022. So it is a newer account.

She has already built up more followers on

I think it’s special that Milla Sofia has so many followers on TikTok, because you can’t call the shar content ‘videos’. They are just slow moving pictures. Read also: How to make influencer marketing Bahrain Phone Number List measurable [5 steps] Her Instagram bio reads, “I am 24-year-old robot girl living in Helsinki.” It is not clear who the digital creator behind this account is, but it is striking that the bio text resembles that of Lil Miquela (19-year-old Robot living in LA). Digital influencer Milla Sofia.

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What is striking when you scroll through

Imma’s Instagram profile (398,000 followers) is that the content looks realistic. In addition to pos photos, she also shares other content such as behind the scenes . Which is of course quite special, because she is ‘fake’. “I’m a virtual girl “imma” in her bio reads. AI influencer Imma. In addition to her , she has a large following on TikTok : 479,300 followers. If you ask me: much more B2C Lead fun to watch than Milla Sofia’s account. Imma’s content actually consists of moving videos. This of course requires more digital expertise from the maker than simply uploading images.

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