
Mobilize those strata that liberal

By March 11, police had arrest a record number of protesters 13,913 people . In the unprecent circumstances of scaremonger, police brutality and the block of most independent mia, no one has been able to assemble a critical mass in a street protest that the government cannot suppress. The leaders of the liberal opposition who have emigrat continue to call for protest rallies to be held every day « in the main square of your city ». It’s easy to understand from an emotional point of view no day should be spent accept war. However, icy reason tells us that at this moment the most important th is not an ethical position but careful work to  politicians had ignor for a long time.

Only the former “Putin majority” can

Change the balance of power and end the war. This is where the Russian left currently sees its purpose to work with those sections of the population. Of all the sociological reports devot to the perception of the. Russian “special operation” in. Ukraine, only one allows us to see the connection between social inequality and attitudes towards war. Despite the Germany Phone Number List common perception in. Russia (mainly stemm from the dominance of the liberal narrative in the opposition mia) that only the well-ucat and wealthy minority oppose. Putin, while the poor majority remain loyal consumers of propaganda, the surveys show that it is the poor who perceive the war most critically.

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Low-income people are more concern

About the military operation because they expect a further worsen of their material conditions in this regard,” the researchers observe. Among high-income respondents, 69 said they support Putin’s decision (and only 17 reject it). Among low-income respondents, only 49 support it (and 31 were brave enough to say they don’t support the invasion). Undoubtly, the real level of B2C Lead discontent with aggression is much higher and will increase. The left wants to show society, includ its work-class and poor strata, that it is not just pro. Western liberals l by the “middle-class opposition” who are against the war.

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