The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York charge money if you want to visit the museum. Some objects are also not available for download due to rights, an example is the Square Man of Appel. But there is plenty of free art made available via the Rijksstudio and the associated API (Application Programming Interface, a way of unlocking data). The Metropolitan Museum of Art also has such an API with which you can download. You can do this at no cost, for both personal and commercial use.
If you’re a bit handy, you can easily do
That via the browser of your mobile, but you do need a Rijksstudio account to be able to download. Rijksstudio Anyone who clicks on this URL can create an account for Rijksstudio. With this you can build a collection of pieces that you like. You can then download it and do something with it, so also show it on Meural. You can even download an object on your mobile and send it to the Meural.Login RijksstudioHow does that work? Very easy. Log in to your Rijksstudio account, download the image, save it with the photos and upload it to Meural via the app. But it can also be done differently. Automated With an Portugal Phone Number List API key you can API. You can even do that through your browser. Because, if you enter this URL in the browser (with your own API key of course) you will receive a so-called JSON response from the Rijksstudio with the requested information.
How do you get an API key In your
Rijksstudio account, press the gear to do this. Scroll down and you will find your API key there.Rijksmuseum API keyThis API is also used by the website itself, however it does not display this message but rather formats it nicely as a web page. However, all the information is on the page, including the download link to download the piece. If you click on the URL , you will see the Night B2C Lead Watch in your browser. JSON response with the requested informationThe URL in red in the response is the link to the painting itself How do you get the object numbers? You can find it in the object information if you search Rijksstudio.